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We are an ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 Certified Company & one of the most trusted manufacturers of Power Cable Joints and End Terminations from 1.1kv to 36 KV PVC/PILC/XLPE/EPR cable. Moreover our range of joints and termination exhibit the ability to function under most stringent operating conditions for most modern PVC/PILC/XLPE/EPR, low and medium voltage power cables from 1.1 kv to 36 KV ratings which is going to be upgraded upto 66 KV very soon.

Our products are manufactured utilizing state of the art, high quality polymer technology with a winning combination of advanced engineering, logistic, flexible system management to meet the toughest quality standards of the industry. The heat shrinkable products have been tested in reputed test laboratory.

Our Commitment to Quality

To consistently EXCEED CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS by achieving excellence in all our Business and Technical processes resulting in customer satisfaction, quality reputation and market leadership by offering best quality products conforming to national and international quality standards at competitive prices with commited delivery schedules.


Our Company is equipped with in-house testing facilities and every product manufactured at guarantees best quality, performing consistently to highest standards. Be it stringent inward materials checks, standardized production or up gradation in technology, there is total management support and involvement in ensuring that nothing less than the best is what reaches you, a valued customer. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced engineers and technicians with the initiative of going the extra mile to understand applications of the customers.


The Company runs technical sessions in Cable Jointing Practices for Cable Jointers which includes Lectures & Practical Training. The cable jointers are trained in a professional & systematic manner to improve their skills so as enable them to make quality joint and maintain the reliability of the power cable network. An authorization Certificate is issued to the cable Jointers who passes in practical tests for Installations of joints and terminations.


Our Design Specifications & Quality Standards meet & even exceed the most stringent National/International standards Worldwide. The Quality Management System of various Stages of Design, Development & Manufacturing has been assessed and certified to ISO 9001 standards along with EMS : 14001:2004.

» IS : 13573 (With Latest upto date amendments) ESI-09-13
» CENELEC HD 629 ISI (VDE-0278 Part 1-5)
» IEC – 60501
» IEEE-48, 404
» IEC 404, 502, 55-1, 507, 60, 71, 840


» Heatshrinkable type joints for submersible cables, control cables, multicore cables & airfield cables.
» Resin Cast Type Terminations and Joints for LV applications.
» Push on Terminations for XLPE cables upto36 KV.
» Cable Jointing Compound (P.U.).
» EPR Self Amalgamating Insulating Tapes.
» Weatherproof Plastic Compound.
» Polymeric Insulators upto 66 KV.