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Cold Shirnkable Straingth Termiantions suitable for 3 Core XLPE/EPR/PVC Insulated Cables upto 36 KV

GCXO/i- 1236


GCXO/I - 1236 - Series termination kits are cold shrinkable type, designed for 3 core extruded dielectric, shielded, armoured & unarmoured XLPE/EPR/PVC insulated cables upto 36 KV rated voltage (12KV, 15-24KV & 36KV usage). It is based on specially formulated, trackresistant, silicone rubber insulators with stress relief. These insulators are pre-stretched around a coiled plastic core. When the termination is slipped over a properly prepared cable and the core is pulled out, the termination immediately shrinks to fit the cable's dimensions. The result is a tight, durable, void free, constant-pressure seal for a variety of cable types and sizes. Our kits provide a dielectric constant of approximately 25, distributing the electric field well beyond the shield cut off. These are designed, manufactured and tested according to requirements of the local & internationally accepted standards.

Salient Features:
  • Simple installation - no special tools required
  • No torches or heat required
  • Safe installation - replaces conventional & simple method
  • Accommodates a wide range of cable sizes
  • Built in Stress control mechanism
  • Improved tough rubber formulation withstand rough backfilling
  • Resistant to acids, alkalis, ozone, UV light, and fungus
  • Minimized Chances of Jointer error
  • Maintains constants radial pressure.
  • No torches or heat required.
  • Built in Stress Control mechanism
  • Maintains Constants radial pressur.
Test Sequence 12 kV 24kV 36 kV
A.C. Voltage Withstand, 5 Min 28.5 kV, no Flashover 57.1 kv, no Flashover 85.5 kV, no Flashover
D.C. Voltage Withstand, 15 Min 25.4 kV, no Flashover 50.8 kv, no Flashover 76 kV, no Flashover
Impulse Withstand Voltage 75 kV, no Flashover 125 kv, no Flashover 170 kV, no Flashover
Partial Discharge 12 kV < 10Pc Max 24 kV < 10Pc Max. 36kV < 10pc Max.

Order Reference:
12 kv Systems 15-24 Kv Systems 36 kV Systems
Cable Size (Sq. mm) Kit Code Kit Code Kit Code
16-50 GCXO-11 GCXO-21 GCXO-31
70-95 GCXO-12 GCXO-22 GCXO-32
120-185 GCXO-13 GCXO-23 GCXO-33
240-300 GCXO-14 GCXO-24 GCXO-34
400 GCXO-15 GCXO-25 GCXO-35